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School Development Plan Summary

Lewis Girls’ School 
School Development Plan Summary 2021-2024: Year 3



The  School Development Plan (SDP)  is a three year plan that sets out our priorities  and the actions that will secure continued improvement over the three year period. The priorities and actions in the plan are continually evaluated throughout the year to monitor  impact and adapt as necessary.  The final evaluation of the year  is  the  School Self Evaluation Report  (SSER),  an annual  and in depth analysis of where the school is in relation to its performance and how well the implementation of the  previous year’s plan impacted  on  standards and progress.  The evidence from  the self-evaluation process  informs the priorities for the  School  Development Plan (SDP) which are  revised,  adapted or developed to ensure they address the changing needs of the school and its students.  The self-evaluation cycle  starts at individual  student and subject  level to   ensure there is  robust identification of the priorities for the school.



Please click here to view the School Development Plan Summary 2021-2024