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Throughout the development of the curriculum at Lewis Girls’ School, we have engaged with key stakeholders to inform curriculum development.  We have consulted with parents, students, governors, staff and cluster schools.  This has been through newsletters, the School Council, Parent Council, Governor reports, student voice, cluster meetings, whole staff meetings and INSET Days.  This is a process, not an event.  At each stage of the process we have reflected on the stakeholders views and adapted, refined and sometimes removed elements of the curriculum content.


The non-negotiables in Literacy, Numeracy and Wellbeing have been agreed in consultation with students, governors, practitioners and our cluster schools.  The ‘non-negotiables’ across the cluster school will be addressed in primary and  in secondary school.  This gives the students opportunities to increase their breadth and depth of the ‘non-negligible’ and build on their prior knowledge & understanding.  These have been identified as fundamental for our students to successfully progress and fulfil the four purposes within the context of a school community.