Year 11 ICreate Curriculum
In year 11, Art and Design students continue their personal project which they started after Easter in year 10. This unit is developed following the exam board assessment criteria towards a final two dimensional outcome. This unit of work is then completed by half term at the end of October. Students will then start a final coursework unit which can be submitted as their coursework for GCSE. Due to the changes imposed by the exam board due to covid, students will select their better coursework unit for final submission.
Building on work completed in Year 10, in Year 11 students will follow the WJEC course and will focus on Unit 2 Performing Theatre and Unit 3 Interpreting Theatre. Unit 2 requires that the students participate in a performance based on two 10 minute extracts from a published script of their own choice and additionally create supporting written evidence. They can be assessed on either acting or design. This unit is assessed by a visiting examiner and makes up 20% of their overall grade. It is essential that students learn lines thoroughly to be successful in Unit 2 if they opt for the acting pathway.
Unit 3 is a written examination where they have a series of questions about a set text and they respond as an actor, designer or director. They are also required to analyse and evaluate one live theatre production seen during the course. This written assessment is 40% of their final grade and preparation for this is ongoing during Year 11.
The work of drama practitioners such as Stanislavski and Brecht will be explored throughout the course. Attendance is very important as the students will be working collaboratively in the classroom. Students will also have the opportunity of looking at stage lighting and will explore how this can be used to create meaning for audiences and enhance acting. All work and materials will be posted to Google Classroom and available to the students in school and at home. Parents can access information about their daughter's work via the parental report in Google Classroom.
In year 11, Photography students continue their personal project which they started after Easter in year 10. This unit is developed following the exam board assessment criteria towards a final two dimensional or three dimensional creative photographic outcome. This unit of work is then completed by half term at the end of October. Students will then start a final coursework unit which can be submitted as their coursework for GCSE. Due to the changes imposed by the exam board due to covid, students will select their better coursework unit for final submission.
Year 11 continue to work on their compositions for Unit 2 of the Controlled Assessment. They will work on instruments in conjunction with realising their work on music processing software. Further focus on the two Prepared Extracts (Anitra’s Dance form Edvard Grieg’s Peer Gynt and Everything Must Go by the Manic Street Preachers) will be covered. Lessons are split into a mixture of performing, composing and appraising tasks. Students will also begin finalising their 5% Programme Note. Their practical examination will be the week on Wednesday February 16th 2022 the week before the half term break.
In year 11, Art and Design students continue their personal project which they started last term. This unit is developed following the exam board assessment criteria towards a final two dimensional outcome. This unit of work is then completed in April 2022. After completing their studies last term, pupils are encouraged to reflect on what they have achieved and how this relates to their chosen theme. An important part of Art and Design at this level is learning from the work of other relevant artists, designers and creative practitioners and this work is worth 25% of their coursework mark. After making visual connections to the work of other artists, pupils are encouraged to develop their work through exploring the potential of different combinations of media and materials working towards a two dimensional final outcome.
In Year 11 Performing Arts, the students will be focusing on Unit 2 Performing Theatre. If they have opted for the Acting pathway, they will be expected to research, rehearse, develop and perform a script extract. They will be required to provide supportive written and recorded evidence of progress. If they have chosen the technical pathway, they will be required to demonstrate an ability to rig, focus and design a lighting scheme for a specified venue/ show, which they should rehearse and run. They can record a presentation on lighting, which should include a practical demonstration of their skills. Again, they have to provide evidence of progress and this can be written and/ or recorded. The students will be supplied with a range of materials to support them during this unit but their portfolio work must be their own. All work will be delivered through Google Classroom and will include both live lessons and pre-recorded supportive material.
In Photography, year 11 pupils will continue with their ‘Distortion’ coursework project which will run for the duration of this spring term. This project along with the first unit, will contribute 100% of the final mark at GCSE level. In this coursework project, pupils will continue using and developing the photographic recording skills they acquired through the first coursework unit. In Photography, we will encourage an experimental approach to develop confidence in pupils' ability to record directly from the real world as well as building technical skills. After completing their recording, pupils are encouraged to reflect on what they have achieved and how this relates to their theme. An important part of Photography at this level is learning from the work of other relevant photographers and creative practitioners and this work is worth 25% of the coursework mark. After making visual connections to the work of other photographic practitioners, pupils are encouraged to develop their work through exploring the potential of their creative ideas using both digital and manual editing techniques working towards either two or three dimensional final outcomes.
Sufficient time is given to finalizing student Programme Notes (5%). All students will prepare for the recording of practical (Unit 3) examination controlled assessments on February 16th 2022, supported by specialist visiting tutors. Composition work is refined in readiness for submission and completing evaluative 'logs' to accompany their work. Revision of key points for Prepared Extracts (Anitra’s Dance from Edvard Grieg’s Peer Gynt and Everything Must Go by the Manic Street Preachers). General glossary, terminology and exam-style questions are covered in preparation for the summer appraising exam paper.
The start of the summer term will be spent finalising coursework folios for Unit 1 (Performing) and Unit 2 (Composing). This includes the completion of the Programme Notes and Compostion Logs. Once submitted, attention will then turn to past paper questions and exam technique in readiness for the listening paper at the end of June.
During the summer term, Year 11 students will be preparing for the Unit 3 examined element of the course. They will look at live performance and prepare an evaluation (acting and design), and consider how they would respond to potential examination questions based on their set script, Two Faces (Manon Steffan Ros).
Learners studying Art and Design will have completed their coursework submission which is worth 100% of the marks at GCSE before the summer term begins. This temporary timeframe has been imposed by the WJEC due to amendments to the GCSE specification due to the pandemic.
Learners studying Photography will have completed their coursework submission which is worth 100% of the marks at GCSE before the summer term begins. This temporary timeframe has been imposed by the WJEC due to amendments to the GCSE specification due to the pandemic.